This years ride is upon us! The steering committee could not be more excited to bring you this event again. 34 years!!! What an experience for such a worthy cause.
Working to remember our veterans. Since the first “Operation God Bless America” ride in 1991, local motorcycle enthusiasts have been gathering from across the tri-state area for these rides to show support for our veterans. We want them to know that their sacrifice and the sacrifices of their families are recognized and appreciated on a continuing basis.
Whether you are a motorcyclist who rides with us, a member of a supporting organization, or a concerned citizen who gives us a thumbs up as we ride by, all levels of participation in this worthy cause are welcome.
Help us to help our veterans know that they will not be forgotten!
Operation: God Bless America Ride, Inc. for Veterans is proud to be making the ride again this year! We will announce this year’s speaker soon.