In 1991, during “Operation: Desert Storm”, a gentleman by the name of Rob McCulloh came up with the idea of getting as many different motorcycle groups, organizations, and clubs together to do a benefit ride to support the troops serving in Kuwait. The idea was to take the money raised and buy personal care items to send to the men and women serving in the conflict. During the planning stages of the ride, the conflict ended, so it was decided that the ride would still take place and the proceeds would be donated to the Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center in Martinsburg, WV. The money was put in a personal care account so patients could get items they needed that weren’t covered by the VA: hearing aids, glasses, TV’s, shaving supplies, soap and other personal care items.
The first ride went to Peace Light at Gettysburg, PA and after a short ceremony a check for $500.00 was presented to Dottie Hough from the Martinsburg VA Center. At the end of the ceremony Dottie suggested that if the ride was to be a yearly event that next year we should come to the Martinsburg VA center for a ceremony and picnic lunch with patients/vets. So the second ride did in fact go to the Martinsburg VA center. It not only raised more money than the first year, but lifted the spirits of patients and riders as well. Needless to stay every ride since has ended at the Martinsburg VA center. The ride has steadily grown every year in participants and funds.
During the sixth year, Barry Stevens asked to start another ride that would go to a VA center located in Lebanon, PA. This was still considered the sixth ride for OGBA, but named the first Lebanon VA ride. Each year we now have two rides during the month of June; Greencastle, PA to Martinsburg, WV and the Lebanon, PA ride.
The funds for the Martinsburg, VA ride were changed over from patient personal care items to a patient recreational fund which has supplied TV’s, Wii systems, pool tables, bingo machines, a serenity garden, refurbishing of the center’s bowling alley, along with various other items to help make the veterans know that their sacrifice was and always will be greatly appreciated.